

AI Tool Description


ChartPilot is an AI-powered tool designed to revolutionize the way we create and design charts for presentations and data visualization. Developed by Matt Holden, an experienced product leader who has worked with renowned companies such as Google and Dropbox, ChartPilot aims to solve the problem of unattractive and cumbersome charts commonly found in presentations.

With ChartPilot, you no longer have to rely on screenshots from Excel, Sheets, or BI tools that often result in lackluster visuals. This tool leverages the power of AI to help you create stunning, unique, and visually compelling charts that effectively communicate your data to your audience.

Charting can be a complex task, but ChartPilot simplifies the process by allowing you to easily request the chart you want using simple commands. By harnessing the capabilities of AI, you can effortlessly generate charts that not only look aesthetically pleasing but also convey a clear and impactful story to your viewers.


  • AI-generated charts: ChartPilot employs the power of artificial intelligence to generate stunning charts that are tailored to your data and presentation requirements.
  • Impressive visuals: With ChartPilot, you can expect visually appealing, professional-quality charts that will leave a lasting impact on your audience.
  • Effortless chart creation: Say goodbye to the manual process of designing and formatting charts. ChartPilot simplifies the chart creation workflow, saving you time and effort.
  • User-friendly interface: The ChartPilot platform offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing users of all skill levels to create captivating charts easily.
  • Free trial: Start using ChartPilot for free and explore its range of features and benefits. Upgrade to a premium plan for access to advanced functionalities.

With ChartPilot, you can transform your charting experience and enhance the quality and effectiveness of your presentations.

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ChartPilot AI tool was published in our directory on November 9, 2023. Last updated: November 9, 2023.

What people are saying about ChartPilot

Ha, nice! I've been building this as a solo dev the last couple of months, leveraging OpenAI Functions. The idea was to offer a "fuzzy command palette" where you could just type what you want to change the state of your chart. Give it a spin. Would love any feedback!

Guillermo Rauch
Guillermo Rauch

Very impressive tool: Easiest way to plot data on the internet You can use AI to make any change to the result:


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