
Frame AI

AI Tool Description

Frame AI

Frame AI is an advanced AI-powered customer intelligence platform that helps businesses measure the cost and business impact of every support case. With its Dynamic Cost Attribution™️ feature, Frame AI allows organizations to automatically measure the cost of each customer interaction, providing valuable insights to improve and reduce service costs.


  • True Cost Attribution: Frame AI combines natural language processing (NLP) with configurable factors and custom signals to demonstrate the dollar impact of each support ticket on the overall cost of service. It goes beyond simple ticket counts to quantify the effort and expense associated with different types of tickets.
  • Service Cost by Product Area: The platform enables businesses to build a better feedback loop with product teams by providing the real dollar cost of service for every product area. This information empowers data-driven decisions on product priorities and resource allocation, ensuring alignment between support and product teams.
  • Go Beyond Generic "Sentiment": Instead of relying on generic sentiment analysis or customer satisfaction ratings, Frame AI offers a unique approach to labeling and scoring support interactions. This helps businesses identify the root causes of support challenges and make data-driven staffing decisions based on cost analytics.
  • ROI Analysis: Frame AI helps businesses track the return on investment (ROI) of customer support decisions by providing comprehensive cost reporting. Users can easily measure the impact of efficiency improvements and identify imbalances in resource allocation, enabling them to make informed decisions and align support efforts with company priorities.

Use Cases

  • Customer Support Optimization: Frame AI helps businesses optimize their customer support operations by analyzing the cost and impact of support cases. This allows organizations to allocate resources more effectively, prioritize projects based on their bottom-line impact, and reduce the overall cost of service.
  • Support-Product Alignment: By providing insights into the real dollar cost of service for different product areas, Frame AI enables support teams to advocate for customers and collaborate with product teams to improve the overall product experience. This alignment facilitates data-driven headcount decisions and justifies the budget required to address product-related support issues.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: With its advanced AI capabilities, Frame AI provides businesses with the tools and analytics necessary to make data-driven decisions. From prioritizing projects to measuring ROI and demonstrating the financial impact of support decisions, the platform equips organizations with the information they need to optimize their support operations.

In summary, Frame AI is an enterprise-grade AI-driven customer intelligence platform that enables businesses to measure the cost of support interactions, align support efforts with product teams, and make data-driven decisions to optimize customer support operations and maximize ROI.

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Frame AI AI tool was published in our directory on September 26, 2023. Last updated: October 9, 2023.

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