

AI Tool Description


MagicProspect is an advanced AI-powered prospecting tool that revolutionizes client engagement and maximizes sales potential. With its AI-generated prospect dossiers and sales insights, MagicProspect empowers sales teams to unlock the next level of sales strategy and close deals effortlessly.

  • AI-Generated Dossiers: MagicProspect utilizes artificial intelligence to uncover the secrets behind potential clients, just like a wizard reading a crystal ball. It crafts comprehensive dossiers on prospects, providing valuable foresight to make the perfect pitch.
  • RESTful API Integration: Seamlessly integrate MagicProspect into existing sales tools through its RESTful API. This integration acts as a magical portal connecting realms, offering on-demand access to prospect dossiers and adding a touch of wizardry to your sales pipeline.
  • Comprehensive Knowledge Base: MagicProspect gathers publicly available data and compiles it into a robust knowledge base. Empower yourself with invaluable insights about target companies and prospects, similar to a wizard's trusted spellbook.
  • Flexible Pricing with Credits: Unlock the power of MagicProspect with its mystical credit system. Starting with 10 free credits upon sign-up, users can purchase more credits as needed. The pricing is designed to be flexible, with the cost per credit decreasing as more credits are purchased.
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MagicProspect AI tool was published in our directory on September 28, 2023. Last updated: October 9, 2023.

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