

AI Tool Description



Truewind is an AI-powered bookkeeping and finance solution designed specifically for startups. With cutting-edge AI technology, Truewind offers efficient and accurate financial management services, ensuring startups can focus on growing their business with peace of mind.


Truewind provides a variety of services to transform and streamline the back-office operations of startups. These services include:

  • AI-Powered Bookkeeping: Leveraging advanced AI algorithms, Truewind delivers accurate and transparent bookkeeping services on a monthly basis, ensuring precise accounting records.
  • Tailored Financial Models: Truewind creates detailed financial models customized for startups, providing reliable financial reports for investors and assisting in fundraising efforts.
  • Concierge Support: The Truewind team, comprised of financial experts and CPAs, provides personalized and world-class support to clients, guiding them through the financial management journey and prioritizing their best interests.


By utilizing Truewind's AI-driven services, startups can reap numerous benefits, including:

  • Accuracy: Truewind offers unmatched accuracy in bookkeeping and financial reporting, combining the expertise of financial professionals with advanced AI technology.
  • Speed: With Truewind's streamlined processes, monthly book closing is accelerated, enabling startups to make timely and informed financial decisions for business growth and adaptation.
  • Support: Truewind treats its clients as partners, providing exceptional support throughout the financial management process. The team ensures clients' books and taxes are well-managed, offering confidence and assurance.


Here are some testimonials from satisfied users of Truewind:

  • "Handles our back office finance side. We’ve gotten to 25 people without needing a finance hire leveraging Truewind for bookkeeping and key reporting (not just financial statements). They also really go over and above for YC companies." - Peter Fishman, Mozart Data (YC S20)
  • "Truewind has done a fantastic job putting together a detailed 2023-25 financial model for us, producing financial reports for our investors, etc. I’ve been so impressed with the Truewind team. I don’t say this lightly: they are destined for greatness. Highly recommended!"
    • Tom Hadfield, Mio (YC W16)
  • "Awesome! Glad I can more publicly talk about you guys now - highly recommend working with Truewind, they’ve been great for us!" - Perry Ha, Homeflow (YC W23)

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Truewind has been featured in several reputable publications, including:

To learn more about Truewind and how it can revolutionize the financial operations of startups, visit their official website.

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Truewind AI tool was published in our directory on September 13, 2023. Last updated: September 13, 2023.

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